Monday, April 27, 2009

A Visciously Violent Society

Children fighting on the playground, Scotiabank robbed twice in two weeks, a knifing in small town Penticton. What do all of these events have in common? Society in the now has evolved to one where violence is widely accepted. Violent behaviour is increasingly being found in many areas including small towns and school settings. It is interesting that, though this increase is prevalent everywhere, the main causes for violent influences have yet to be curbed. Gang mentality in "ghettoized" areas of cities, media influence, musical adaptations and video games are some of the main influences in the world today that invoke violent tendencies.
"Ghetto" communities in the United States and in Canada have erupted to include gang violence. Youth in Urbana tend to join gangs for a sense of security and to earn money for their families and themselves. However, often gun and physical violence occurs between other gangs and also drug distributors. There is a lot of danger involved in gang life, however, many kids seem to be dragged into the activities that occur within one. Some gangs even have initiations where they are forced to hurt or even kill someone in order to join the gang at all. For example, in Saskatoon, two "copy cat" gangs have been created of "the Blood" and the cribs." To be in this gang a member must shoot or stab someone. It is true that gangs feel the need to maintain a tough reputation, this sometimes means acting out in a violent manner.
Media today has a major influence on society as a whole. It is indeed interesting that the news, TV shows and other methods of television and radio do not do more to censor violence. Although it is important to see the issues in the world through the media, fictional depictions of violent acts are unnecessary and only spark unwanted attention in youth. Many television shows, for example, CSI, show violence in a way that sometimes may even appeal to youth without meaning to do so.
Video games and rap music seem to make killing and violent behaviours a game. The way that a person is even a point worth when being hunted down in games like "Grand Theft Auto," is a chilling depiction of how kids today are desensitized to blood shed and are beginning to lose a sense of right and wrong altogether. Rap music, for example "Kim" by Eminem, speak about killing wives, brothers, friends and enemies. It is difficult for youth to differentiate what is wrong when it is "cool" to kill.
Violence has always been around, however, many elements of society today have gone as far to encourage it. Although it is usually unintentional to encourage these behaviours, violent mentality in the world is hard to avoid. It is simply up to the individual today to change the way they view today's society and curb the children of tomorrow to understand consequence.