Friday, February 6, 2009

A Day in the Life of A Telekinetic Girl

The phenomenon of acquiring superpowers has always been one in which young people and adults alike take interest in. I believe it is simply human nature to dream of living something different than one's everyday routine. For example, a woman with curly hair seems to straighten their hair and vice versa. Although I am almost always completely happy with the life that I have prepared for myself I still sometimes revert to my childhood dream of being telekinetic. Telekinesis, the power of moving objects, people and even buildings, has been concept that has lingered in the back of my mind since I was a little girl watching Matilda. Matilda was a young girl who came across her extraordinary gift when she was the same age as I was when I begin to entertain these "super" ideas. Moving objects with one's mind proves to be worth while in that movie and I can see why. For example, when Matilda does activities like getting her breakfast with her mind, she seems to have a better handle on her life. I could multi-task many things at one time thus creating more time to work in school and also at home. I could also use my power to make myself float much like the objects I would normally move. This means that the superpower of flight could also be achieved by becoming telekinetic. Upon achieving telekinesis, the opportunity to help people would also present itself. If I witnessed someone stealing a woman's purse or robbing a bank or perhaps even more treacherous crimes intervention would pose no problems for me and my amazing powers. Being a superhero though, really does not require any superpowers at all. In my opinion, being a superhero simply means making a difference big, or small in someones life.


  1. As you describe in your blog being able to multitask and have more time to work at school and home comes across to me as a very ideal way of life. I agree with you when you mention being a superhero means making a big difference bit, or small in someones life.

  2. Ah yes, I concur that telekinesis is a superior power, next to teleportation and underwater breathing of course.

  3. I love that you brought Matilda into your super powers and how much you would love to be like her. Great job!

  4. Telekinesis would be a cool power, love the reference to Matilda by the way. Pretty sure we all wanted to be like her at one point or another.

  5. Telekinesis would be a great power to have.
    I the reference to Matilda.
